Early in our history we learned the importance of engaging in economic development and the impact it can have on our area’s vitality and prosperity. It is also one more way GVEC can support our members and their communities.

GVEC Building

These activities include: helping to facilitate meetings between community groups and other stakeholders; representing our area in economic development-related forums at the state and national levels; working with legislative representatives on initiatives; and assisting area Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development offices in attracting industry and events.

If you are a business or site selector interested in our region, or simply want to know more about the communities we serve, visit our economic development website at  www.ExperienceGuadalupeValley.com. You’ll find detailed demographics, news updates, and commercial real estate listings along with other relevant information and resources.

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For more information, contact GVEC’s economic development director, Daisy Scheske Freeman, at 800.223.4832 or email dfreeman@emunityrecords.com.